Database > Exhibition / Event > Authentic Structures

Authentic Structures

08.12.2004 - 10.12.2004

Museum Kampa, Praha / Ceská Republika (venue), Praha / Ceská Republika

The publication Primary Documents: A Sourcebook for Central and Eastern European Art since the 1950s (The Museum of Modern Art, 2002; Eds. L. Hoptman and T. Pospiszyl) set out to introduce English-speaking readers to the region’s major artistic and critical movements in the latter half of the 20th century, taking into account that, following the fall of the Iron Curtain, the official art history of many Eastern European countries had to be reconsidered and rewritten. The symposium Authentic Structures will look at critical issues from a local perspective and engage the Central and Eastern European specialists in the discussion....

The symposium aims to explore further the polarity of culture inherent to life under repressive regimes: the official culture versus the zone of underground – a kind of cultural schizophrenia. The symposium will also focus on the dichotomy between Western and Eastern European art history and attempt to determine whether the political changes have resulted in a common cultural landscape.

8.12. 2004, 15.30
Jay A. Levenson, Director, International Program, The Museum of Modern Art New York, Jack Stack Chairman of the Board and CEO of Ceská sporitelna a.s., Stephan Nobbe, director Goethe-Institut Prag, Meda Mládek, Founder of the Museum Kampa, Vít Havránek, project leader, tranzit
Marek Pokorný, Borut Vogelnik, Miran Mohar, Pawel Polit
moderators Mária Hlavajová, Vít Havránek

9.12. 2004, 10-13
Jaroslav Kozlowski, Mladen Stilinovic, Boris Ondreicka, Tomáš Pospiszyl, Ján Mancuška
moderators Ekaterina Degot, Borut Vogelnik

9.12. 2004, 15-18
Laura Hoptman, Iara Boubnova, Miklos Peternak, Branka Stepancic
moderators Hedwig Saxenhuber, Georg Schöllhammer

10.12. 2004, 10-13
Mária Hlavajová, Jirí ? evcík, Zdenka Badovinac
moderators Laura Hoptman, Tomáš Pospiszyl



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