Database > Exhibition / Event > Volume 2: Emergent realities and the fabrication of now.

Volume 2: Emergent realities and the fabrication of now.


Contemporary Art Chronicle, CAC, San Miguel de Allende / México, San Francisco / United States, Barcelona / España

CAC brings together contemporary artists from seven different countries including Austria, Germany, India, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.


>>>>> Die Liste der Beteiligten dieser Gruppenausstellung ist unvollständig. Hinweise bezüglich weiterer Beteiligter nehmen wir gerne entgegen.
>>>>> The list of participants of this group exhibition is not complete. Please contact us if you have information about further participants.... [basis wien, 05.03.2022]

Volume 2 features artists who offer new and diverse perspectives of the ways in which memory, time, space and materiality influence visuality and the experience of seeing.


Based on their distinct backgrounds and experiences, artists at VOLUME 2 articulate abstract, and vibrant forms by the use of color, tonality, and texture, creating from sharp geometries of industrial precision to the imperfection of the line and the unrefined qualities of the urban surfaces.

A group show of 18 artists examining the present in art, VOLUME 2 portrays a panorama of cultural and emotional experiences in the canvas, where materiality, compositions and textures became studies of space and perception.

In VOLUME 2 different realities are represented by depictions of moments and spaces exploring the ways in which memory, time and materiality influence the artwork.

?VOLUME 2 artists are not only breaking boundaries in terms of experimentation with formal practice, they also invite us to see their work as a self reflection of present times, the perception of space, time and memory of now: the fabrication of now.

Artists at VOLUME 2 find between narrative and abstraction memory depicting spaces, objects, forms and its relation with time. Convergences of artistic explorations of different mediums and artworks of varying sizes with a striking colourfulness and unique shapes.


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last modified at 05.03.2024

Art and Research Database - basis wien