Database > Exhibition / Event > The Secret Service of Flowers

The Secret Service of Flowers

01.02.2024 - 30.04.2024

Anzenberger Gallery, Wien / Österreich

In a time of crisis and war, flowers provide a glimmer of hope and radiate calm and peace through their beauty. Scientists have long since extensively researched the services that they offer us through their colors and shapes, especially in the gloomy winter time. And not just as real specimens in the vase or pot, but also as pictures on the wall.

The AnzenbergerGallery is showing seven positions by Austrian and international artists who have dedicated themselves to the theme of flowers. Using a variety of photography-based techniques, works full of aesthetics, humor, fantasy, perfection and poetry were created....

[Quelle:, 22.02.2024]


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last modified at 22.02.2024

Art and Research Database - basis wien