Database > Exhibition / Event > An(other) South +

An(other) South +

19.01.2023 - 28.01.2023

Improper Walls, Wien / Österreich, 1150

An(other) South+ is a 9-day festival that aims to reverse narratives of underrepresentation in contemporary art. This is done by inviting artists from the periphery to develop projects in public and off spaces in Vienna from the interchangeable position of storytellers and the audience. The aim is to deconstruct the idea of otherness by highlighting the richness of our differences and promoting reconciliation; but also to strive for a real balance in power structures and to demand equal representation of all parts on the map and in art history....

An(other) South+ is a festival that promotes narratives that contain many narratives.

Therefore, the selected artists, Aleyda Rocha, Bárbara Palomino, Roberta Lazo Valenzuela, Museum for the Displaced & Frame Colectivo will try to deconstruct experiences in order to change the perspective with which history is told. In doing so, they aim to draw attention to their fragmented identities while celebrating the differences that connect them to each other and to the audience.



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last modified at 19.12.2023

Art and Research Database - basis wien