Database > Exhibition / Event > What's so scary about a falling tree

What's so scary about a falling tree

24.11.2022 - 2022

Improper Walls, 1150, Wien / Österreich

Collective listening & discussion

Kata Bitowt, Martyna Šulskute
Audio story, 23’42’’

Society by definition is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. What if we were to broaden these boundaries to other species? Living in a capitalist economy, our culture is innately anthropocentric, constantly expanding our influence and power over the natural world, controlling the resources and deciding about the habitats of others.
What would we gain from another type of expansion? Expansion of perception, including other kingdoms of life into our society?

After a listening session of the piece 'What's so scary about a falling tree', we invite you to a further discussion with one of the episode's interlocutors, botanist Dr.... Radvile Rimgaile-Voicik.

We will further discuss the topics of broadening our concept of 'society', if we should or shouldn't compare animals and plants, why are we prone to categorise and label everything, and can we escape language?

Dr. Radvile Rimgaile-Voicik - botanist, a researcher at Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University. Lecturing about plant diversity and its importance. Curious to learn and share challenging ideas about vegetal life.

Kata Bitowt is a sound producer and recording engineer based in Vilnius. Her main interest is in the music-noise-sound boundaries and how they can be manipulated. She creates electroacoustic compositions and audio stories, which is a great place to combine field recordings with synthetic sounds and sterility of the recording studio.



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last modified at 19.12.2023

Art and Research Database - basis wien