Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > EC1 24H Copenhagen 2018: Miriam Hamann, Bärbel Praun

EC1 24H Copenhagen 2018: Miriam Hamann, Bärbel Praun

17.04.2018 - 17.04.2018

LOKALE, København / Danmark

EC1 24H Copenhagen 2018 is a living exhibition project presenting a new exhibition every day for three weeks. Each show is installed, unfolded and dismantled within 24 hours and is based on the collaboration between the artist(s) and the curator(s) of the day. The project involves over 30 participants who are based in Denmark and abroad.

With the 24 hours as the main frame, EC1 24H allows for exploration and openness of working methods, media and processes while questioning the current standards of the gallery space and our approach to contemporary art....

EC1 24H is build on curiosity and collaboration across networks, countries and practices in the field of art. A new perspective will be adopted every single day, giving the visitors the possibility to experience a spectrum of expressions ranging from performance to installation, food-lab and radio broadcasting.

EC1 24H Copenhagen 2018 is organized by FSK – Foreningen for Samtidskunst (The Association for Contemporary Art) as a parallel to Aarhus Artspace, a yearly exhibition for transformative, contemporary art.

EC1 24H Copenhagen takes place from April 15th to May 6th, 2018 at Lokale in Griffenfeldsgade 27, Copenhagen.



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