Database > Exhibition / Event > HEADY DAYS


22.05.2021 - 03.07.2021

ELEKTROHALLE RHOMBERG, Salzburg / Österreich

Recommended by Les Nouveaux Riches

The group exhibition Heady Days is the result of the cooperation between the association Les Nouveaux Riches for contemporary art and culture and the gallery Elektrohalle Rhomberg. Through nine multifaceted artistic positions, it invites visitors to leave behind and go beyond the boundaries and limitations of their respective realities and perceptions thereof. Some of the works shown have been created specifically for the exhibition, while others were chosen from the artists’ existing oeuvre.... Owing to the diversity of artistic approaches, the exhibition comprises a great variety of media ranging from painting, sculpture, multimedia installations to miniature models and mosaics.



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last modified at 25.02.2022

Art and Research Database - basis wien