Database > Exhibition / Event > Ruth Novaczek. Retrospective

Ruth Novaczek. Retrospective

31.08.2021 - 30.10.2021

Kunstverein Gartenhaus, Wien / Österreich

In Novaczek’s films the boundaries of identity continually reform within an incessant desire to find a direction. Her films and poems map out a very personal landscape, encompassing queer rites of passage, a female gaze and being in and outside of love. Using found footage, aphorism and live action the films are diasporic stand-up, feminist mash-ups, poetic, irreverent musings. For Retrospective, Novaczek presents a selection of recent and older film works produced between 2013 and today.

Shown for the first time in Austria, the films Eat the dust (2019); Crime Scene (2017); Footnote (2016); A woman returns from a journey (2014) and The New World (2013) will play concurrently as an installation, mixing visions, gazes and temporalities....

On the opening night, the artist will perform live in the space, intersecting poetry and improvisation, spoken words and music.

A collection of Novaczek’s poems, Altneu, accompanies the exhibition. The book, inaugurating KUNSTVEREIN GARTENHAUS’ publishing project Wild Seeds, also includes a series of recent photographs by the artist and a text by writer and poet Eileen Myles.

Wild Seeds is designed by FONDAZIONE Europa.



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last modified at 26.01.2024

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