Database > Exhibition / Event > Miriam Bajtala, Blue Curry. Terms of Decision

Miriam Bajtala, Blue Curry. Terms of Decision

Einladung: Miriam Bajtala, Blue Curry. Terms of Decision. 2011

18.03.2011 - 29.04.2011

Austrian Cultural Forum London, London / United Kingdom

The Visual Arts Platform expands its programme from solo shows of Austrian artists to collaborative duo shows between Austrian and UK based artists. The first such show brings Austrian artist Miriam Bajtala and UK based artist Blue Curry together in order to develop new synergies between their artistic practices. Blue Curry works mainly by combining existing objects and materials to create new objects, which often hold a luring aesthetic of the exotic, while Miriam Bajtala deconstructs the aesthetic of the real in her videos and installations.... Both have a very precise analysis of visual forms, although manifested in different ways.

[Quelle:, 19.05.2021]


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last modified at 19.05.2021

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