Database > Exhibition / Event > Markus Benjamin Riedler. Warum denkst du an meinen Penis?

Markus Benjamin Riedler. Warum denkst du an meinen Penis?

07.03.2019 - 20.03.2019

Improper Walls, 1150, Wien / Österreich

We’re mostly born in bed and we’ll die in it. We use a table to make money, eat, change a baby’s napper or to have a fuck. We look into a mirror to see how and who we are. We need to change our clothes and keep ourselves warm. There are different places in our everyday lives and spaces where we have to take a look at how and who we are. Markus Benjamin Riedler will transfer his work and living place as a case scenario into the gallery. In „Warum denkst du an meinen Penis?“ Riedler builds a place to discuss the private and the public using topics like living, work, entertainment, routines, sexuality, regression, self reflection and communication....

Images and imagination are one of the most important elements in Riedler's work. Pictures have something to tell and are an inherent part of our languages and cultures. Imagination is part of our identity. In his work we encounter reflective forms that illustrate reality focusing on symbolic objects and signs to discuss our habits, preferences, cultural behaviors or emotions such as fears and love.

Teenage Angst, Christian Gasser, Benedikt Haid, Daniel Hosenberg, Barbara Juch, Black Patti, Sarah Sternat



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last modified at 01.04.2019

Art and Research Database - basis wien