Database > Exhibition / Event > Losing London

Losing London

Einladung: Losing London. 2019 [Beat Streuli]

22.03.2019 - 20.04.2019

The two artists have known each other for over 15 years, communicate regularly and meet again and again in one of the world's pulsating cities. Together they have lost each other in the streets of London, at different times, in different places, but with similar thoughts.

London is undoubtedly the metropolis that globalization has helped to build. It lives from the idea that a city can be a cosmopolitan melting pot, a global trading centre and at the same time a place where everyone tolerates everyone.... Most of the time at least. In hardly any other city has being different become so commonplace. That thought that it is something unique to be one with the rest of the world. How does London respond when this idea comes under more and more pressure?

[Quelle: Einladung]


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last modified at 28.03.2019

Art and Research Database - basis wien