Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > On the edge of

On the edge of

25.10.2017 - 2017

Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz / Österreich

On The Edge Of

On The Edge Of is the collective exhibition of David Cantarero Tomás and Raquel Durán & Rut Briones, residents at Bregenz as part of the exchange programme between the Kunsthaus and Fundación Bilbao Arte.

In this exhibition, at Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, the artists will show the work they have developed during the two months of the residency, articulating the final results in a joint exhibit that tries to find the commonality between the proposals. This commonality started out with concept of limit and was then narrowed to the specific of the edge, a physical and formal edge in the case of David’s work; a more abstract or phylosophical one in Raquel and Rut’s work....

In Dialog mit dem Bild David plays with the boundaries between object, image representation and perception. In The Good Citizens, Raquel Durán and Rut Briones play with the boundaries between individual and collectivity, between influence and imposition.

They now invite you to come and enjoy a walk on that edge.



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