Database > Exhibition / Event > A Recollection of Resonances. bb15’s 10-Year Anniversary..

A Recollection of Resonances. bb15’s 10-Year Anniversary Exhibition

07.12.2018 - 14.12.2018

bb15, Linz / Österreich

10-Year Anniversary Catalogue Presentation

This retrospective exhibition celebrates bb15's 10 year anniversary and introduces the new space to the public for the first time. bb15 would like to use this occasion to thank all the artists and the public gravitating around its space, for supporting it throughout the years.

The 10 years anniversary encompasses around 40 artists from numerous countries and is a non-thematic, dense and exuberant exhibition. The show creates an associative overview of bb15’s exhibition practice, displaying the diversity of ideas and approaches within its community, giving the opportunity to build unpredictable links between the presented artworks....

[Quelle: (21.01.2018)]


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last modified at 21.01.2019

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