Kunsthalle? July 29th (Saturday) at 6 pm opening of the exhibition Kunsthalle? organized by the Association Interazioni, in via Ballerini 3, Locarno. The Kunsthalle? exhibition has been created by the collaboration between the Interazioni Association and some art curators who operate in Switzerland, in the main in Ticino. Mario Casanova, Director of the CACT, (Contemporary Art Centre of Ticino)000, Bellinzona Cristina Del Ponte, curator of the studiocristinadelponte, Locarno Boris Magrini, curator of I SOtterranei dell’Arte, Monte Carasso Riccardo Lisi, coordinator of the Cultural Centre La Fabbrica, Losone Stefano Pesce, independent curator, Lugano Stephan Wittmer, artist and curator of the Kunstpanorama, Lucerne The event comprises six sections exhibiting 40 international artists in a display space of about 1200 m˛. A section is dedicated to the books of art - Christian Marinotti and Luca Sossella Publishers. And another one is for the catalogues related to the curators and artists- guest. The organizers and the curators together agreed to the challenge: to succeed in organizing in few months (unifying strengths, resources and purposes) an exhibition of contemporary art with a view on the artistic research at an international level. This operation wants to contribute, even though for only two months, to give continuity to the dialogue among the different realities which operate in the research sector. Kunsthalle? What to do ? And above all how to succeed in putting together the efforts to revalue and enhance the contemporary artistic research at a national and international level also in our latitudes. The “finissage” of the exhibition will be held on Saturday September 30th starting at 6 pm. The program of the event will be updated on the web page www.interazioni.ch Open from July 30th to September 30th 2006 Wednesday to Sunday 4 – 8 pm