PRESS RELEASE No. 8/2005 Ljubljana, November 4, 2005 Panel discussion Monday, November 7, 2005, at 8. p.m. Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana, Slovenia What Has Been Left from 'Balkan Art'? With panel discussion entitled What Has Been Left from 'Balkan Art'? Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana is concluding the research project What Is to Be Done with 'Balkan Art'? (2002-2005). The aim of the project was to reflect and analyse the intense interest, which we could discern in the field of art and theory especially during last years in Western Europe and South Eastern Europe - in the(re)invention and (re)definition of the Balkans and 'Balkan art'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Moderator: Robert Alagjozovski (philosopher and publicist, member of the Tocka Cultural Center, editor of Margina magazine, Skopje) Panelists: Suzana Milevska (curator and theoretician of visual Culture,Skopje),Miran Mohar (artist and member of the Irwin group, Ljubljana), Bertan Selim (programme officer for mobility, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam), Erzen Shkololli (artist and art director of Exit Gallery, Peja/Pec) Visual intervention: Dan Perjovschi (artist, Bukarest) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- In the panel discussion What Has Been Left from the 'Balkan Art'? we would like to re-examine the questions that we posed to ourselves and others involved in the project - this time on the basis of the research project and also from time distance. What is the actual outcome of the interest for the art from the Balkans? Did they and local art scenes make use of this interest? How the 'Balkan' artists have been accepted on the international level and what is their current position within the contemporary art system? Has the interest gone already? What could be the criteria for any future engagement with the art from the Balkan Region? Is essentialization or branding (in either positive or negative way) necessary when approaching the Region? What could be/is the next hot spot? The panel discussion is co-organised with Škuc Gallery and with the support of European Cultural Foundation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- The panel discussion What Has Been Left from 'Balkan Art'? is an accompanying event to the outcome of the publication PlatformaSCCA summarizing the project What Is to Be Done with 'Balkan Art'? (editorial board: Urška Jurman, Barbara Borcic and Robert Alagjozovski). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- PlatformaSCCA, An occasional publication for contemporary arts, No. 4 Focus: What Is to Be Done with 'Balkan Art'? In Slovene, English, Croatian, Serbian In PlatformaSCCA we focused our reflection on the recent interest of prominent curators and art institutions (for example: In Search of Balkania, P. Weibel, E. Čufer, R. Conover, Neue Galerie, Graz; Blood and Honey - Future’s in the Balkans, H. Szeemann, Sammlung Essl in Klosterneuburg; and In the Gorges of the Balkans - A Report, R. Block, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel) for the contemporary arts in the Balkan Region. Contents Robert Alagjozovski, Barbara Borcic & Urska Jurman: Introduction Branka Stipancic: Balkanian, Atten-tion! Robert Alagjozovski, Barbara Borcic & Urska Jurman: Interview with Igor Zabel Robert Alagjozovski, Barbara Borcic & Urska Jurman: Interview with Eda Cufer Urska Jurman: Interview with Rasa Todosijevic Nebojsa Jovanovic: Balkan Revamp(iris)ed: Good-buy, Mr. Harker! Welcome aboard, Mr. bauMax! Suzana Milevska: Four Patches for the World Game: Game Theory and Art Practice in the Balkans Misko Suvakovic: Bio-Political Interpretation of Open Potentiality of Balkan Art or A Temporary Realisation of European Identities Through Concrete Curatorial Tactics Alen Ozbolt: Efficient Global Cleansing Erden Kosova: A Conversation with Vasif Kortun Urska Jurman: Interview with Viktor Misiano What is to Be Done With 'Balkan art'? - a panel discussion (Ljubljana, 2003) Abstracts from the panel discussion: Mitja Velikonja, Igor Zabel, Rastko Mocnik, Borut Vogelnik -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- More information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- SCCA-Ljubljana Center for Contemporary Arts Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: 00 386 1 431 83 85 fax: 00 386 1 430 06 29 e-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- SCCA-Ljubljana is a member of Asociacija, the association of non-government organisations and independent creators in the field of culture and art. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------