“DRY! seasons – a calendar watch”, Hi-8, colour, 5:39 min, Antwerp/Vienna 02/03 The course of things, and not the course of a year; that could be the succinct summary of the film ‘DRY! seasons’ by Höfler & Kronheim. In these times of climatic changes, the seasons are not so much defined by thermal conditions, but rather, they are evidenced by predetermined or staged periods of consumption and product cycles. Juxtaposed in this conflict, Höfler & Kronheim develop an associative pictorial merry-go-round, which, amplified by the porthole focus of a tumble-drier and therefore under stable weather conditions, examines the proverbial and geographic significance of vocabulary such as herfst, verano and printemps, and its validity in the context of rehearsed formulas. A cinematic tribute to Arcimboldo in the glaring neon light of the turn of the millennium.