05/05/06 e-flux.com

O.K Centre for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria

Victor Alimpiev, "Little Nightingale", 2003

April 25 – May 14, 2006

O.K Centre for Contemporary Art
Dametzstraße 30
4020 Linz, Austria

With Victor Alimpiev the O.K shows a precise observer of human behavior. In his films and videos Alimpiev investigates the subtleties of human expression – moments of awkwardness, habits, and the relationship of the individual to the collective, creating a concentration on the associated forms of behavior in his impressive film work. He designs his videos like studies, performatively tracing uniform actions in austerely formal arrangements. In the minimalist movements of his film figures, he succeeds in bringing out their sculptural character.

He explains his interest in space and perspective with an unstable/impotent relationship between the individual and society in Russia. In contrast to this is a feeling for the endless expanse of the country and a close proximity to the immediate social environment. In the course of his stay as artist in residence during the Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz the O.K Center comissioned a new work:

"What is the name of the Platz?", 2005
video installation
A camera circles around a group of fifteen people, in the middle of which the main figure turns to the audience in a dramatic gesture, based on avant-gardist sprechgesang à la Arnold Schönberg ("Pierrot lunaire", 1914) and Karl-Heinz von Stockhausen ("Momente", beginning 1962), and begins a dialogue.

Victor Alimpiev, born 1973, lives and works in Moscow
Curators: Genoveva Rückert, Martin Sturm

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