02/12/06 e-flux.com

O.K Centre for Contemporary Art

Calin Dan “Sample City”, 2003

O.K Centre for Contemporary Art
Biennale Cuvée

Linz, Austria

10 February – 9 April 2006

Johanna Billing, Candice Breitz, Tania Bruguera, Chen Chieh-jen, Donna Conlon, José Damasceno, Calin Dan, Muratbek Djoumaliev & Gulnara Kasmalieva, Juan Manuel Echavarria, Qin Ga, Django Hernandez, Markus Huemer, Karl-Heinz Klopf, Isabelle Krieg, Yaron Leshem, Maider López, Jakub moravek, Oscar Muñoz, Deimantas Narkevicius, Adrian Paci, Robin Rhode, Gerwald Rockenschaub and a new version of BLACH MARKET WORLDS, the Vilnius art triennial.

The exhibition "Biennale Cuvee" presents a "world selection" of 38 international artists who exemplify the most interesting developments in the field of contemporary art. It is an "OK best of" from the renowned biennials of Venice, Istanbul, Prague and Vilnius 2005.

Self-assured, sensuous, playful, witty and continuously interested in the hot topics of society and politics – this is how a young generation of international artists presents itself today; a generation that borrows from contemporary pop, film and design culture with little reverence for great role models, carrying out their work with a high degree of professionalism.

A selection of this kind from among hundreds of art works is naturally subjective. In keeping with the objectives of the O.K as a laboratory of contemporary art, the focus is on a younger generation of artists, concentrating on current aesthetic modes of expression, explicitly space-related or media works and projects dealing with the issues of society.

Despite all differences, certain trends, themes and tendencies can be distinguished. The O.K has selected projects from the biennials for a cuvée commensurate with the center's overall program, newly arranging the works in thematic groups.

Curators: Martin Sturm, Genoveva Rückert

O.K Centre for Contemporary Art
Dametzstraße 30
4020 Linz, Austria

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